Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trompe L'oeil Sculptures

Our focus for this sculpture project was inspired by an art term- Trompe L'oeil
Trompe L'oeil means "to fool the eye".  Rene Magritte is a wonderful example of an artist who brought this term to light with here oil painting "This is not a pipe" seen below.
Obviously, it's a pipe.... but really, it's not- it's just a painting of a pipe. You cannot smoke it, or hold it, it is just an image.
Our sculpture students were given the task to draw, design, and sculpt an item that is not what it appears.  We have many items that double as dishes or jewelry holders such as a flower, leaf, football... and a few pinch pots disguised as a cupcake, apple, and beehive.

This cheesecake is actually a pencil holder!

While this bird bath makes a great jewelry dish!
Seeing all the ideas were fun, but the final glazed products were even better!

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