Thursday, April 9, 2015

Colorful Kandinsky

To help us learn about the famous Russian abstract artist, Wassily Kandinsky, our students implemented bright colors, sharp lines, and various shapes! They followed close directions to create rythmic patterns, and excelled at it! Our younger grades embraced their inner artist to create vibrant shapes inspired by the artist's famous circle paintings.

Here, Jaramiah and Janeya focus hard to remember the color pattern we learned...
Alone they looked cool, but all together- magic.               

4th/5th grade: 
This was actually a 2-class lesson. The first class was spent focusing on creating the design and learning color theory with color mixing.  It was cool to see how the same 3 primary colors were used, but because of the different ratios the students came up with various shades and tertiary colors! The second class was spent finishing painting the colors and giving the painting a final bold black outline.

Again, seeing them individually is nice, but altogether is the best! I love my colorful classroom!

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