Saturday, January 17, 2015

Shape Food Collage

In our middle/high school Elements of Art class we have begun learning about organic and geometric shapes, something we learned about last fall with our elementary classes.

To do this our students created a paper collage of their favorite foods while implementing elements of organic and geometric shape, along with the principles of art-proportion and balance.

Can you say "YUM?"

We know what Marie would choose to have for breakfast!

And ice cream seems like the perfect compliment to pancakes to me... right Annie?!

I'm seeing a pattern, and Chloe agrees that you can't go wrong with hot chocolate and ice cream!

Such attention to detail, Emil!

The variety was amazing with this project. I was always feeling oddly hungry at the end of class though... Great job everyone!

1 comment:

  1. What a darling bright project. It makes me feel happy to look at these!


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