Friday, January 2, 2015

Henna Hands Line Drawings

To help master the element of art, line, we decided to study a little cultural implementation of it. In the Hindu, Islamic, and Indian culture "Mendhi", more commonly known to us as Henna, is used as a temporary art form used on the skin for times of celebration. Elaborate lines and symbols are drawn onto the flesh using a henna paste that is later washed off leaving a stain. There are so many symbols, and beautiful forms of craftsmanship that our students set out to duplicate.

On their own "hands" students planned, sketched, finalized, and inked their own designs that represented them. This is a great project for students who do not think they are good artists, because the math, measuring, and technical aspect is huge in the success of this form of art. Our students used their right brained creativity while implementing their left-brained mathematical technicality.

In art, there is room for success no matter what your strengths and weaknesses are!

I love the dark and light values of this mandala. Mandala's symbolize the universe and wholeness. Lovely work Alexis!

Emil used great accuracy of distance between his lines and patterns. He implements a peacock which represents pride and beauty, and a turtle that represents strength and longevity.

Another wonderful Mandala! Beautiful work Marie!

 Another beautiful mandala implementing flowers that symbolize joy and happiness and vines, symbolizing devotion and longevity. Great Job Annie!


  1. What a beautiful project, I'm glad you did them on paper. :)

  2. Me too!!! Thanks for that representation.


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